Tips on PHP Job Interview

Tips on PHP Job InterviewTips on PHP Job? Interview

So? you?ve been slinging resumes for a while and now you have an interview for an awesome PHP job. While part of the interview will be the typical job interview, you should also be prepared for a technical interview. Technical interviews are for getting determine , how? you will truly know the technologies with which you are working. There are numerous books and articles which may help in , to prepare for the job interview .

General PHP Questions

Moostly the interviewers will ask in? PHP interviews,the general questions about PHP itself.

Typically, technical interviewers use to start with easy general questions about PHP such as special output tags, how to pass parameters, how to define constants and how to define variables. Depending on the interviewers own technical background, they may progress to questions on more advanced usage such as the object oriented features of PHP. Spend some time prior to your interview to fresh up somewhat on the basics of the language. A quick read of a basic PHP book like PHP and MySQL Web Development (latest version) which will gearup you with reviews and the high points.

Sample Questions to be asked by interviewers.

Q: What?s a PHP Session?

Q: What are tags used for?

Q: How do you define a constant?

Q: How would you get the number of parameters passed into a method?

PHP Frameworks

Larger companies and web development consultancies are increasingly moving towards frameworks in their

webdevelopment. If you want to pass a PHP interview, you should know about what is framework, what are most popular frameworks are? their features. Check out the web site for Cake PHP for some simple documentation that will give you an idea of the features and uses of a PHP framework.

Questions? may be asked like

Q: What are the advantages of using a PHP framework?

Code reuse, multitude of service APIs, code modularity with Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, community support, and multitude of plugins.

Best Practices

The final category of questions in a PHP interview typically covers best practices. You may be asked about architectural concepts such as scaling an application in PHP.

You may get help of useful articles on the subject. You may? be also asked about security in PHP. You should be able to describe how to prevent common web based attacks such as SQL injection or cross site scripting from PHP.


During the interview, you want to appear relaxed and confident in your knowledge. Take a moment to really listen to the question before you answer. When you do answer, provide the shortest answer possible. You don?t need a lengthy explanation and you do not want to appear to be rambling. Simply answer the question as succinctly as possible.

Passing a PHP interview is really quite easy if you have a good grasp of the language and take the time to review material that an interviewer is likely to ask about. Know the basics of the language syntax. Don?t limit your review to PHP though. Many PHP interviews WILL include questions about frameworks, security, MySQL and architecture. Relax and answer the question as succinctly as you can. Good luck!