Side Effects Of Aloe Vera Juice
There are many benefits to aloe vera juice. When aloe vera juice is taken twice daily in 2-4 ounces dose it is said that it can help a person to maintain good health.
Yet, aloe vera is not without possible side effects. Reported side effects include allergic reactions, liver dysfunction, nausea, dermatitis and strangely colored urine.
Indications that you should avoid aloe vera are if you are pregnant or breast feeding, have kidney or heart disease, or are allergic to garlic or onions. Take advice from your family doctor before you use for your children?s as aloe vera juice may cause toxic reactions.
For most people, the health benefits of aloe vera juice outweigh any risks, however it is important to use this supplement wisely and pay careful attention to your body’s responses to it.
If you are buying an Aloe Vera product, always purchase those made from 100% pure Aloe Vera. Look out for the International Aloe Science Council Seal of Approval.
The side effects of aloe vera are normally minor and for a person not on medication or suffering from a medical condition should be able to use aloe vera without problems. However, it is advisable before using anything for a medical purpose to know the side effects. The following are the side effects one can experience when using aloe vera: – Electrolyte loss
– Fluid imbalance
– can color urine pink when taken internally
– can delay healing of major wounds
– Intestinal cramps
Most of these side effects only occurring when a person overdoses or uses aloe vera for too long.