Personal Etiquette Tips

Personal Etiquette Tips

Personal Etiquette Tips

A first impression is essential for professional and personal success. Its often the only opportunity you have to sell yourself to a potential employer or business partner. Your personal etiquette represents how you feel about yourself and the outside world.

1. Personal hygiene is the first and foremost requirement. You need to keep yourself and your surroundings absolutely neat and clean. Take proper care of your hands, feet, face hair and especially nails. Go for regular hair trimming, manicure, pedicure and facial. Do not compromise on personal hygiene.

2. No chewing gum in formal settings, good posture, and positive body language. Always be prepared to look and sound your best.

3. Most of people?s impressions of others are based on 80 percent nonverbal signs, so it would appear that what you say will do little to change what people think of you when they first meet you. How to sit, how to dress up, how to talk and how to behave are essential ingredients of your personality.

4. Ability to communicate well is the most important part of your personality. If you possess good communication skills, you become the center of attraction wherever you go.

5. Social and dining etiquette are also an important aspect of your personality. They showcase your personality and help you create a positive first impression on people.

6. Always give a firm handshake and make eye contact. When meeting a person of celebrity status (politicians, entertainers) you should never offer your hand first.

7. Knowing proper table manners is extremely important on social occasions. Knowledge of proper dining etiquette will help you avoid embarrassment and the possibility of offending someone

8. Look at a person when being introduced to him/her, maintain the eye contact even while speaking. Eye contact with another person shows your interest in him/her. It also forces you to pay attention to what s/he is saying.

9. Personal space is the area around the physical self that a person considers his. Moving in too close or standing too far away can create discomfort. Be alert for signs that a person is uncomfortable with how close you are standing to him/her.

10. Be on time or just a few minutes early. There?s no excuse for lateness, not in a social situation, and definitely not in a business environment. Apologize first, and then take the appropriate action. You have made someone to wait.

11. Never thrust your opinion on another person. If you are as important as you think you are your actions will speak for you think twice before you speak about anyone. Don?t be critical or insulting of someone who is not there and when the gossip turns mean or malicious, don?t do it.

12. Your voice and the way you use your words, plays a large role in the kind of impression you make upon a person. Your speech patterns are very revealing, not only of your social and educational background, but also of your mood and confidence levels. It helps to have a deep and attractive voice, or a sweet and clear one, but even if you don?t, you can cultivate a very pleasant manner of speaking.

13. Every single person you meet, every single day of your life, sizes you up in the first few minutes of meeting you and it is true that you are judged by the way you look. Speak clearly and at a moderate pace

14. Pay attention to body language. Fidgeting, picking at your face and clothes, and crossing and uncrossing of your legs are some of the most common and obvious signs of nervousness. Consciously eliminate them from your behavior pattern.

15. Focusing on our weaknesses and insecurities only draws others to our flaws. Confidence is about our attitude towards ourselves and others; our beauty comes from within. Style comes from knowing who you are and want you want out of life, and not wanting to be someone else who is thinner, prettier or wealthier. It comes from self-confidence and not from being a great beauty.

16. A handshake is a universally accepted way of greeting people. On being introduced, offer your right hand. Smile and make eye contact. Offer a greeting. Keep the handshake firm and brief. At the same time don?t let the handshake be a half-handed, limp, wet fish sort of grip. A good handshake lasts for about 3 to 4 seconds.