Digital Marketing Training in Hyderabad

Social Networking Sites

Social Networking Sites 1 Face Book: – (Face book helps you to connect and share with the people in your life) 2 Orkut:- (Orkut Social Net Working site helps to Connect with friends and family using scraps and instant messaging, we can discover new people through friends of friends and communities, Share your videos, pictures, and passions all …

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Digital Marketing Training in India

Viral Marketing

Viral Marketing Viral Marketing is a process where Website Users or website owners pass marketing message to other users or websites, creating an exponential growth in the messages visibility and effect, through viral marketing strategies the owner of the website gets advantage to explode the message to thousands to millions of users. Viral marketing is an idea that spreads fast …

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EJB Interview Questions

EJB Interview Questions 1 what are Enterprise Java Beans? Ans: Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) is a specification which defines a component architecture for developing distributed systems. Applications written using the Enterprise JavaBeans architecture are resusable, scalable, transactional, and secure. Enterprise Java Bean’s allow the developer to only focus on implementing the business logic of the application. 2 what is a …

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Digital Marketing Training in India

Types of Advertisement

There are two types of advertisement Traditional advertisement and pull style advertisement. In traditional advertisement such as junk emails and TV commercials pushes its product information to customers, which is regarded as push type advertisement. Traditional advertisement pushes ads regardless of customers need. So these types of ads lose its effect because customers don?t need such ads. Pull style advertisement …

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Digital Marketing Training in India

Blogs and Blogging

Blogs and Blogging Are you curious about blogging?? And wanted to start blog of your own? Then read this expert guide by D Hari Babu (seo Trainer in Srihitha Technologies) to start a blog of your own and be a part of blogging world. How to start a blog or blogging? If you are familiar with using the Internet and …

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Digital Marketing Training in Hyderabad

Advantages and Disadvantages of blogs

Advantages of blogs: Blogs have potential to help organizations develop stronger relationship and build brand loyalty with its customers. Blogs help to share knowledge within the organization. The consumers and citizens are potentially informed better about the product or service and this can only good for long term health of our societies and economies. Everybody has a book inside him; …

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JSP Interview Questions

JSP Interview Questions 1 Briefly explain about Java Server Pages technology? Ans: JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology provides a simplified, fast way to create web pages that display dynamically-generated content. The JSP specification, developed through an industry-wide initiative led by Sun Microsystems, defines the interaction between the server and the JSP page, and describes the format and syntax of the page. …

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Digital Marketing Training in India

Basic Components of a Blog

Most Blogs contain following elements Comments: These are responses and reactions from the blog readers to post by the author. Posts: blog posts are the updates added to the blog by the author or any contributor. These posts can be of few lines or a whole article of several hundred words. Plug-ins: There are thousands of plug-ins available; this plug-ins …

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Servlet Interview Questions

Servlet Interview Questions 1 what is a Servlet? Ans: A Servlet is a server side java program which processes client requests and generates dynamic web content. 2 Explain the architechture of a Servlet? Ans: The javax.servlet.Servlet interface is the core abstraction which has to be implemented by all servlets either directly or indirectly. Servlet run on a server side JVM …

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