Tips To Improve Memory Power

Tips To Improve Memory Power Memory power is important factor for every one?s life. scientifically every person have same brain but some of people are genius or we can say that, their memory power is more than other person. But the thing is that they know how to utilize their brain and they use it accordingly. Some people not able …

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Interview Tips for Freshers

Interview Tips for Freshers Fresher?s?fresher?s?fresher?s??..! Do you think this as a problem? from now, this is not going to be a? problem anymore. Everybody feel, fresher?s stage is the difficult stage to sustain in the present markets. because where ever we go to take up an opportunity generally we come across a renowned question-Do you have any experience? But according …

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Group Discussion Interview Tips

Group Discussion Interview Tips Group discussion definition: Group discussion is a methodology used by an organization to measure whether the candidate has certain personality traits and/or skills that it requirements in its members. In the Group discussion Method the group of candidates is given a topic, given a few minutes to think about the same, and then asked to discuss …

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Career in Telecommunication

Career in Telecommunication Telecommunication has become an indispensable part of our lives by making us far more efficient. A career in it is looking more attractive than ever with the advancement of every sector, and the booming technology sector, the growth of telecommunications as a sector is very bright, and the industry is set to grow at a great rate …

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Sri Krishna committee

Sri Krishna committee Just a day before completing the deadline for giving its recommendations on the Telangana issue, the B N Srikrishna committee presented its report to the government on December 30 2010 , hoping it would show a way forward. The Union government has decided to call political parties of Andhra Pradesh on January 6 to discuss the contents …

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