How Sexual Harassment Can Harm Your Business

How Sexual Harassment Can Harm Your Business

How Sexual Harassment Can Harm Your Business Sexual Harassment in business harms men, women and even organization. Sexual harassment happens in every field in educational institutions, employment institutions, among friends, family, and strangers. Verbal, non-verbal and physical sexual harassment causes harm to the business. Though verbal harassment does not show any impact on the business where people often joke too …

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How Professional values and Ethics affect Career Success

How Professional values and Ethics affect Career Success

How Professional values and Ethics affect Career Success A person learns and develops some professional values and ethics that comes in different forms in every aspect throughout their life. Since there are several careers and challenges in life, the person come across professional values and ethics through social, personal and economical experiences that affects their success in career. It is …

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Difference between Responsible and Accountable

Difference between Responsible and Accountable

Difference between Responsible and Accountable A person is considered responsible when his work is accountable i.e. task is finished. Responsibility trumps accountability. Though both are identical but each one is focused differently. Being responsible is not enough to reach top position in anything but being accountable is a must. 1. Responsible does not focus on a specific authority instead it …

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What is difference between Marketing and Sales

What is difference between Marketing and Sales

What is difference between Marketing and Sales Sales and marketing are both important for a business success. They are interdependent with varied functions. Marketing is related to four P’s” of product, price, place and promotion. There are many bigger firms have made clear distinction between marketing and sales with specialized people handling them independently. Whereas for small and medium-size business …

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How to be Successful Business Women

How to be Successful Business Women In the world of male domination in every field businesswoman carries a low esteem when compared to a successful businessman since they have less presence in the public. But a successful business woman provides more benefits for their family as business women are very much conscious about the society then men. Businesswomen can really …

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