Interviewing tips for employers
Getting the right person on board to your organization, in the right position, at the right time, is one of the most strategic business decisions today. The job interview is a powerful factor in the employee selection process in most organizations. The job interview process helps other employees own the new employee when he or she joins your organization.
The cost to an employer for a position’s turnover can be the equivalent of a year and a half of salary. This takes into account recruitment costs, lost productivity, training and other on-boarding expenses. As a result, it is important to get the right fit for the position the first time.
In unstructured interviews the employer has few, if any, planned questions. This will allow the interviewer more freedom to pursue the applicants response and the response may lead to another question. The interviews for each applicant may be very different. The disadvantage of an unstructured interview is that some points you had wanted to cover may be left out.
The best practices that an interviewer should follow while interviewing employees for organization:
1. Before scheduling a job interview with a candidate, the interviewer has to review each candidate’s Resume cover letter and Resume. It’s important to use tools that separate the great candidates from the many. These will help you select the candidates for the job interview. They will also help you prepare your list of questions to use to telephone screen candidates and ask during interviews.
2. While interviewing, ensure that all staff involved in the selection process from recruitment advertising, to the application, interview and selection process) are aware of any prohibited grounds.
3. Make sure you conduct the interview in a private setting. It is also important to make sure the area is comfortable with appropriate seating and that access for applicants with a disability is considered.
4. In order to ensure the best “fit” for your organization, make sure that each candidate is being measured the same way.? Every candidate should be asked the same questions, and should go through the exact same steps. This is important not just for selection, but also to ensure consistency, which could be challenged in the legal environment.
5. Group decisions are better than individual decisions for many reasons including the fact that our own personal biases do not play as dominant a role. So panel interviews are the best practice that involve two or more interviewers speaking with each candidate.
6. An interviewing kit can be developed for panel members a week or so before the interview, giving them some time to review it prior to the interviews. The interviewing kit can include the resumes of the short listed candidates, the interview questions, interview scoring information and any other information.
7. During the job interview, help the candidate demonstrate his or her knowledge, skills, and experience. Start with small talk and ask several easy questions until the candidate seems relaxed. Then, hold a behavioral interview.
8. Ask legal interview questions that illuminate the candidate?s strengths and weaknesses to determine job fit. Avoid illegal interview questions and interview practices.
9. Block time in between candidates for interviewers to complete their notes, and also to synthesize the group’s feedback or recommendations.? By blocking time in between interviews you can summarize your findings and then move on, returning to your summaries for each candidate at the end of the day or the end of the interview process.
10. When interviewing, the applicant should do most of the talking. This will ensure you learn as much as possible from the applicant to help determine their suitability for the job. Try to ask questions that require more than a yes /no answer. Never be afraid to ask the applicant to elaborate on an answer. Try to use open-ended questions such as ?Tell me how you will be able to use your experience from previous employment in this position?? This will encourage the applicant to give more information.
11. Explain exactly what is required in the job and where it fits into the organization. The applicant needs to know as much as they can about the job to make an informed decision. Give the applicant the opportunity to ask any questions that they may have.
12. Close the interview in a friendly manner. If the applicant is clearly not suitable for the position make sure you tell them tactfully. If you feel the applicant would be suitable let them know when they can expect to hear from you.
13. Before making a job offer make sure you do a thorough reference check. Check a variety of references including previous employers, work peers, superiors etc. Personal references from family and friends should be avoided.