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Google url shortner

Google url shortner

Google has introduced the facility of posting your RSS feeds directly onto your Twitter account in FeedBurner.? You can now say good bye to all your plugins that you used to post your articles onto Twitter.? If you are publishing feed through FeedBurner, just log into FeedBurner and add Twitter account.? All your post titles will be posted with a shortened URL onto your Twitter account.

Google url shortnerWhat is noticeable in this process is Google?s own URL shortener, GOOG.GL.? There is no doubt that Google has introduced its own URL shortener for this facility.? It has used a pretty domain, GOO.GL.? If you go to the domain, you will see just a landing page showing few words about stability, security, and speed of Google?s URL shortener.? You don?t find a way to create your own short URLs or an API to include it in your applications.? I think Google may be in the process of developing those, but enthusiasts already digged into the Google Toolbar and HTPP headers and developed web applications to create shortened URLs.