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Google Introduces New Products

Google Introduces New Products

Google has released three new features of the last event in San Francisco July 14, 2011. The event is officially titled as ?Google InsideSearch?.

The following three new features are

Voice Search

Instant Pages

Search by Image

1. Voice Search:

Google has announced a voice search for desktop computers. Currently, Google users typing keywords to get basic information on the research results. Now, users can speak the words so that Google understands the word and show the results. According to the survey, Google is able to detect 80% of the words and display of relevant results.

2. Instant Pages:

This is another good feature that improves the usability of a lot of visitors. In general, 40% of visitors to Google click on the first link, so it takes a little ‘time to download the respective site and visitors will have to wait. With the new “Instant Pages” feature, the visitor sees the site immediately. The reason for this is technique that Google is charging for the backend and display when the user clicks on it.

3. Search by Image:

At first, people use the name of the image search and get relevant images. The search engines included some other features for user convenience. A feature of the ?Search similar images? that Google always use this function to find the right image of the desired quality and size. Now, Google has gone a step further and did a big feature of life. Visitors can drop image file on Google search bar, so it seems that all the same images at different resolutions and sizes. This feature may be useful to find your pictures on other public places, sent by someone else.