Computer Processors
CPU Or Computer Processors are the most important part in the computer. CPU controls the overall remaining components of the computer such as Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor and others. The processor is an electronic circuit that executes computer programs.
Processors works in? four basic phases:
- Fetch
- Decoding
- Executing
- Write Back
?Fetch: In this phase, the processor collects the bytes to execute from memory (which may be RAM or cache). Each instruction is saved in memory as one or more bytes called word. The more the word length, the more complexity and power consumption of the processor. Once the processor collects the bytes, then it is ready to decode it.
Executing:?? once the processor knows the meaning of the bits by the decoder, it goes then to the execute phase. In this phase, the processor makes the necessary operation as denoted by the decoder. This operation is done on the operand contained along with the instruction bits in the memory word. The operation can be addition, subtraction or mathematical or logical operation.
Write back: once the processor done the operation, it writes it back to the memory in the place denoted by the instruction. This result may be fed to other instructions in the same program. This processes repeated for each instruction until the whole program is executed