Cancer Prevention Tips

Cancer Prevention Tips


While there are many reasons for cancer that cannot be changed such as family history, there are ways that you can take control and lower your risk for certain cancers. For example, you can lower your risk for cancer by making healthy lifestyle choices. Unfortunately, lot of people eats unhealthy food these days. This is because of the way we are used to eat. There are a lot of cancer cells in our food and we have surely got a lot of them in the past years from our food. However, the sleeping cancer cells are not a real problem if they are not triggered by anything.

  1. If you’re concerned about having cancer, you’d best take a good look at your family history. You have to look about your family background that any body is having cancer and if it is there what type of cancer he suffered etc. According to that you have to take necessary steps to prevent the cancer.
  2. One best way to avoid cancer is to eat right food i.e. try to minimize eating white rice and white pasta. Instead of white rice try to eat whole grain stuff which contains a lot of antioxidants and which in turn help prevent cancer. The main thing to eat regularly is use cooked tomato, grapes and green vegetables. They are having the high antioxidants.
  3. The main cause of cancer is Tobacco. More than 50% of patients got cancer due to use of tobacco so, stop to use all types of tobacco. Even second hand smoke is also very dangerous. Try to keep distance from smokers.
  4. Skin cancer is the most common kind of cancer and it can prevent in most cases. Due to taking of repeated X-rays and with some chemicals may cause skin cancer. Sun exposure is also the main cause of skin cancer. Try to avoid X-Rays and sun exposure directly.
  5. every one should try to reduce sugar in our daily foods. This is important since it can interact with the beneficial foods in your anti-cancer diet and reduce their effect and also try to reduce weight as well. Weight is the main cause for many types of cancer.
  6. Using Garlic in our daily intake as many experiments found the uses of Garlic. It is having ability to prevent cancer cells and Heart attack also. Garlic is the main remedy for many types of cancers. It is having the ability to fight against many types of bacteria in our body.
  7. Every one should try to minimize the consumption of certain meats including beef, pork, and even poultry and fish. Stopping of meat will prevent some types of cancer.
  8. Vitamin D is produced naturally within your body when your skin is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D is essential to your body but as many as 36% of us are deficient in Vitamin D.