Tips to improve communication skills

Tips to improve communication skills The Left and Right Co-ordination Exercise for improving communication skills Are you searching for exercise to improve communication skills then Do the left and right coordination exercise to activate your creative abilities by making use of your non dominant hand. Principle of Brain: The Creative functions are controlled by Right Half of your Brain. Right …

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Tips to improve customer service

Tips to improve customer service Customer service is at the heart of quality, of late, the perception as to what constitutes Quality has undergone a metamorphosis. Quality is regarding the performance of the product as per the commitment (written or unwritten) made by the producer to the consumer. It does indeed concern itself regarding the control of defectives in a …

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Tips to take control of our life

Tips to take control of our life Taking control of our life is getting in touch with our values, identifying our vision and setting meaningful goals. To understand where our life is taking and to have control of our self? means being more productive, dealing more effectively with stress, having the ability to solve problems, accepting change and developing healthy …

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Top job interview questions

Top job interview questions We’ve compiled a list of the top 10 job interview questions, before attending for an interview many interview questions are to be expected and prepared before you attend for interview Study this list of top 10 job interview questions and plan your answers ahead of time so you’ll be ready to deliver them with confidence. Top …

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Resume Writing Tips

Resume Writing Tips The below mentioned points are the tips you should remember while writing a resume. Resume should be well written to increase the chance of being invited for an interview. The candidate should take effort to create a resume that will make him stand among other probable candidates, so resume is the professional reflection of individuals who are …

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Tips To Improve Self Confidence

Tips?To Improve ?Self Confidence. 1. Before attending any Interview, Having Confidence in Yourself and believing in your abilities is the first rule for Interview Success. If you don?t believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you. 2. Preparing for the interview in advance is a sensible thing to do. Prepare for the interview by gaining more knowledge about …

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