The Reality of a Wireless Network

The Reality of a Wireless Network The wireless network is an electronic & internet network which is found almost everywhere these days, for example; offices, schools and even our own homes. Wireless network are easy to setup but the equipment is quite expensive. Still, Many schools have installed wireless networks in their schoolrooms and even every student that has a …

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Career in Telecommunication

Career in Telecommunication Telecommunication has become an indispensable part of our lives by making us far more efficient. A career in it is looking more attractive than ever with the advancement of every sector, and the booming technology sector, the growth of telecommunications as a sector is very bright, and the industry is set to grow at a great rate …

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Exercise to Improve Communication Skills

Exercise to Improve Communication Skills The Left and Right Co-ordination Exercise for improving communication skills Are you searching for exercise to improve communication skills then Do the left and right coordination exercise to activate your creative abilities by making use of your non dominant hand. Principle of Brain: The Creative functions are controlled by Right Half of your Brain. Right …

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Time Management

Time Management To waste the time is to waste the part of the life; Time is one of the scarcest resources and unlike the money or the energy, is irreplaceable. By learning the effective time management, you will learn to take control over your life. Our life revolves around the passing of the time. The time cannot be paused, bought, …

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