How to motivate your team

How to motivate your team

How to motivate your team Whatever the goals may be the goals a success in business is rarely down to technical skills or knowledge alone. Getting the most from your team is the sign of a good manager to work hand in hand with experienced team members so that everyone is working towards the same goals at the same speed. …

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Tips to overcome an objection

Tips to overcome an objection

Tips to overcome an objection An objection is nothing more than a request for additional information. Objections are a good sign and you should actually look forward salesperson. It is a prediction of hesitant of the customers to commit to purchasing a product or service until they have convinced themselves they need it and that they are getting it at …

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Best Practices for Networking in B2B Sales

Best Practices for Networking in B2B Sales

Best Practices for Networking in B2B Sales Most of the small businesses depend strongly on effective networking practices to win important investors, customers and partners. The main focus for success in major B2B sales is getting the right message, to the right person, at the right time. Business networking involves the process of meeting other people and exchanging resources for …

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Significance of Relationship Selling

Significance of Relationship Selling

Significance of Relationship Selling Relationship selling a continuous and evolving approach to maintaining client business and striving to become a business planning partner. It is a complete new way of thinking at different skill set. Though it is a slow process but the efforts made to build these relationships are everlasting that creates trust, develop credibility in relationship with customer. …

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New Trends in Corporate Training

New Trends in Corporate Training

New Trends in Corporate Training It is a fact that the corporate training market is inactive but it is an ever evolving new trends in market dynamically that requires professionals and suppliers to stay alongside each other for innovating the best practices to stay in competitive world. And most of the corporate people are competing for a share of the …

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How to Develop Your Selling Skills

How to Develop Your Selling Skills

How to Develop Your Selling Skills After production process selling the produced product is the crucial task for any business. To develop the sales the company and the salesperson should believe in the product or service. This selling skill mostly depends on the level of self confidence you have about the product. Selling is a great profession when approached ethically, …

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How Sexual Harassment Can Harm Your Business

How Sexual Harassment Can Harm Your Business

How Sexual Harassment Can Harm Your Business Sexual Harassment in business harms men, women and even organization. Sexual harassment happens in every field in educational institutions, employment institutions, among friends, family, and strangers. Verbal, non-verbal and physical sexual harassment causes harm to the business. Though verbal harassment does not show any impact on the business where people often joke too …

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How Professional values and Ethics affect Career Success

How Professional values and Ethics affect Career Success

How Professional values and Ethics affect Career Success A person learns and develops some professional values and ethics that comes in different forms in every aspect throughout their life. Since there are several careers and challenges in life, the person come across professional values and ethics through social, personal and economical experiences that affects their success in career. It is …

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Difference between Responsible and Accountable

Difference between Responsible and Accountable

Difference between Responsible and Accountable A person is considered responsible when his work is accountable i.e. task is finished. Responsibility trumps accountability. Though both are identical but each one is focused differently. Being responsible is not enough to reach top position in anything but being accountable is a must. 1. Responsible does not focus on a specific authority instead it …

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